I got this done at the last minute before my trip – it still has some kinks to work out before I can start writing the pattern. The interfacing/batting combo I picked looks great but was difficult to sew through, even for me. So that needs to be fixed. Then it needs some minor tweaking to the pockets and has some normal pattern fitting issues. I wanted to take it on my trip because while this is a bit big for most of you to use as a everyday purse, it’s perfect for a “personal item” (extra carry on, basically) on the plane. I can (barely) fit my 11″ MacBook Air in there (in a sleeve) so you can totally fit an iPad.
Now, I wasn’t going to add the zippered pocket to the pattern – it adds 2 extra full size main body pieces to the lining fabric requirements and significantly more bulk, BUT it was incredibly useful running through the airport with boarding passes and my passport. I kept everything in there, by itself, so it was secure but easy to find. What do you think? Am I over-doing it again?
So yes, of course just like the original this has a top zip that totally gets OUT OF THE WAY if you need it to. I find this especially helpful if I want to stuff my jacket or something in the top and it obviously won’t zip. I also hate having the zipper get in the way of finding things, which is why I always have them open up as wide as possible. And you’ll get to learn a new technique! Woo!
Peltex’d bottom. Also thinking of adding an optional “bag bottom sleeve” to the lining. Good idea? Overkill? Speak now! :)
Yes, that’s my Stargate earbud pouch. It matches the lining. :D
I even found a cheap source for hard board bottoms to help avoid that saggy bag look when the bag is packed with heavy stuff. Saggy bag is sad. :( (My laptop is in there… obviously it’s not designed for a laptop.)
So, my aunt saw my bag when I was at the LQS where she works and she loved it but wants it in “purse size”. What do you think? The last time I asked, everyone yelled “BIGGER” so I went with that. This pattern needs to be tested and “shipped” by November 30th. Which means I have about 2 weeks to photograph and write this thing and get it to testers. If you don’t hear from me very much, that’s why. I’ll play and sew fun stuff once it’s in testing. It’s easy to add later, we learned that with the wristlet. I guess I’m asking who would *only* want the smaller version? And if so, what size?
This was today’s “fun socks” Instagram but you can see the next one is ready to cut out!
My cousin Sarah had pinned a couple TARDIS pouches, and with the wristlet pattern done and her birthday coming up, it just had to be done. I kept track of everything for a tutorial, but no guarantees I can get it up this week (see frantic pattern-making paragraph above)… How much do you want it? :) Honestly, the hardest part was getting that “Police Box” part right. I think I spent about 6 hours on it. I tried hand embroidery, free-hand zigzag on the machine, itty bitty applique… This is the perfect job for an embroidery machine. Still, I kind of love it. <3 How can you not? It’s a TARDIS. More pics on flickr.

That was a lot to take in, but I do have a few things.
1. Toronto is one of my favorite cities on the planet. Any city with a castle in the middle of downtown is okay with me. I think I’ve been there about five times. Last time I made us go to Medieval Times. Joustingm giant turkey legs and the opportunity to call other women “wench” without sounding mean! But seriously, in walking distance you have an awesome mall with flying geese hanging from the ceiling (I hope they’re still there), the Hockey Hall of Fame and the CN Tower. We were also walking distance from the Pantages, which is why we were there for the last week of Phantom of the Opera. Amazing. Can’t believe they closed that show. I digress.
2. New bag is awesome. Large and small, puh-leeze!
3. Tardis wristlet tutorial? I’d beg, but it’s unseemly.
4. Do you have PicStitch on your iPhone? There is a border only frame in there, no filtering. Saves to your photo album and you can upload to Instagram.
We really did love it. I’m so glad that’s not completely crazy!
Small and large are going to happen. I just made an 80% size that turned out super cute. Totally scaleable, which I was worried about and it was fine!
No begging necessary. Unless my zipper order is miraculously transported to my doorstep, I should have a free day Wednesday to create the tutorial :)
I just installed PicStitch! Totally going to try it. Thanks for the suggestion!!! <3
You are superbly talented! This bag is genius with its wide open top and I love the idea of the bag bottom sleeve.
Loving your ear-bud case; I would make a matching wristlet for it because I am all about the purse-within-a-purse concept and I have a 4 year old and I am still always shlepping his stuff in my purse.
I love the idea of using this for a busy bag with those little plastic policemen from the Dollar Tree in it.
I’m looking forward to seeing your next project.
Thanks for sharing =0)
Thank you! I actually even made it a teeeeeeeny bit (like 5%) bigger to make sure the top would fit all those gadget-y things. Final prototype is getting cut out tonight and then moving on to pattern pics!
TARDIS tutorial this week!!
Wowzers! You’re amazing.
First of all – Love the daytripper bag. I tend to like the bigger size, but hey…I’d love the smaller one too! Sorry no help here! I’m really liking the bottom of the bag and the side zipper. Oh….the top zipper too! Not quite sure by what you mean “bag bottom sleeve” unless your talking aboug a zipper pouch from the top of the bag to the bottom. If so, I love it.
Sorry about your feet being sore. Yuck!! Cute socks though!! Ha…the match your organized shelves!!
I mean a base for the bottom, cut from chipboard/hardbard and then slid into a sleeve at the bottom of the bag to avoid saggy bag bottom. I’ll just make the sleeve optional.
I didn’t even realize my socks matched the boxes! Ha! I have quite the purple/magenta and teal/blue theme going on in my life so I usually match one of those two. But thanks! I lose a day a week driving to the other side of the suburbs for my feet but they promise me it will be worth it in the end!
Love the daytripper bag and definitely would go with the side zipper. Can’t wait for the pattern.
Second zipper is a done deal! Beware, they will be 18″ zips….. It’s a big bag! But like I found out late last night, mini versions are easy to make!
please and thank you.
Oh you’ll get your TARDIS. :P This week. Promise. Doing everything I can to get this pattern done by Dec. 1st.
Pretty excited about this new purse coming out, it’s going to be very busy in my house for the holidays as we have family coming to visit us…this might just be a perfect gift for me to make one for each of them. I sure do love all my other bags I have made from your patterns, I am sure this one will be no disappointment either! The Tardis bag…what can I say. My husband has turned both our daughters into HUGE Dr. Who fans…I may well have to make 3 of these for Christmas this year.
Yay! Everyone loves the TARDIS. I will work on the TARDIS. <3
Love the new bag. I would say leave it the size it is, then if you want it smaller you can print the pattern pieces smaller, much like the two zip hipster.
Yuppers, tried it last night and it worked. I may need to do some math for people but no re-drawing pattern pieces YAY.
I love that your socks match the organizers on your shelf. :)
Also…I wish sewing didn’t drive me nuts so I could sew bags. I can never find ones to buy that are exactly the size/shape/pouchy enough/with zippers where I want them. I love your designs!
I’m save your epic fangirling post for tonight after dinner when I can give it the attention it deserves. :)
Why am I the only one that didn’t notice that? You could totally sew. Totally. :D
Thank you for understanding my fangirling! <3
My mom tried to make me learn how to sew when I was a teenager…I didn’t have the knack for it, and it turned into something of an epic mother/daughter clash. I swear it took me a year to make a simple skirt, and by then it didn’t fit anymore. To this day I can’t even look at a sewing machine without feeling a bit like Bruce Banner. :)
I understand – I’m like that with knitting. Let’s let things settle down after my crazy end of the year and we’ll see what I can hook you up with. <3
Well, EVERYBODY on the internet knits Doctor Who scarves…but I can safely say I’ve never seen a wristlet before, so I think you made a good choice. :)
I love the fabric choice! The bag looks amazing and I can’t wait for the pattern. I’m making a custom bag for a friend and she picked an awesome Tardis print from Spoonflower. She’ll love your Tardis wristlet.
Great job!
Thanks! I haven’t tried Spoonflower yet. I need to! It’s on the list.
I love the bag. I love the size, the zippers, the way it opens up big. Keep the side zipper – I’m always looking for a size picket to stick my ID or a couple of papers in (shopping lists, boarding passes, etc.) I can’t wait to buy this pattern. :)
It was so fantastic for boarding passes. It eliminated those “uh oh, where did I put it?” freak out moments. I’m so glad everyone is so excited!!!
I will get this pattern as soon as it is available. I prefer the large version, but would get a small one if thats what you decide. Would be great if two size patterns were included with one set of instructions for both sizes. Warmest….
It looks like it will scale well. I made an 80% size last night and I’ll do any math anyone wants me to do if we run into that.
I love the size and the zipper. Overkill is not the word. It’s “attention to the details that are important to all of us bag freaks” …. It’s a good thing! Love it a lot!!
Ha! OK I can live with “attention to detail” <3 I fully accept that I'm a bit crazy, though.
I LOVE pockets so I always say more pockets! I like the size as is too. I love your consideration and attention to detail but I can appreciate feeling like the decision is just churning in your head.
YES! THIS! It’s just the decision, then I’m all good. That’s why I have all of you! Thanks!
Love your socks! I wore very similar ones today! I love this purse! I have been going back and forth about buying the 2 zip hipster. I love the zip top, but wanted something a little wider and maybe not quite as deep with a hard bottom! Sounds like this will fulfill all my purse desires! And, let me tell you, that’s not easy! If you need a tester again…..you know I’m more than happy to help!
It’s HUGE. It will hold at least 4 times as much as the hipster. But easily scaleable so it doesn’t have to be ginormous. I’m not even close to testing yet! Need one final full-size prototype then I can start taking photos. I finally got an interfacing combo that I’m pretty happy with (I need to accept there are 17 different ways to interface this bag and I just need *one* that will be a good starting point for people) and so I just need to verify my last few changes on the pattern pieces will fit together.
Love it! I think the size is perfect… Can’t wait for the pattern…
LOVE THE BAG!!!!! I’m gonna fight to be the first one to buy the pattern!!!
Seriously, everything you do is awesome. Right down to the socks matching your organization boxes! :-)
Thanks! Again with the socks. lol. I am just going to start posting pictures of my fun socks all the time because they seriously make me smile! I can’t really wear fun shoes so I wear fun socks!! <3
[…] you to get your hands on and it looks great. (Warm & Natural cotton batting was what I used on mine and while it was OK for me and my machine, it makes for a heavy bag and a less powerful sewing […]
The bag looks great !!
Can’t wait till the pattern is out!
If you ever need test sewers…I’m available :-)
Oops…typo in my addy in my comment…guess I need a second cup of coffee :-)