I spent some time yesterday working on these!

These are my favorite two. I love the black & white daisies (a Lakehouse print) and the yellow with flowers (from Moda’s OZ by Sanae line):

I guess I’m wondering if I’m the only one who does this?? If I’m cleaning the house or doing something besides sewing I will usually play music or podcasts, but when I plan to sit down and sew for hours, this is what I do. I kind of want to start something new, but I am worried that I’ll get sucked into the show and not focus on my projects. I just really need to add something new to the mix! What are your favorite series?
Hi Erin…. I came across your blog the other day while googling something else and can’t remember what it was becuz as soon as I landed on your blog I fell in love with it!!! I am a doggy mom too to a adorable little chihuahua.I have a blog named after her … appleheadthreads.blogspot.com I’m new at the blog thing but that name stuck out at me for some time and wanted to snag it !
But anyways, I wanted to tell you I love your blog and your great tutorials! I’m going to make a harness from your pattern. And of course I love your doggies!!! soooo cute!!! OH and I’m headed over to FB to add ya!! =8-o)
Aww, thanks! Your chihuahua is cute too! You should definitely post a picture somewhere so everyone can see the harness you make!!
Love the notepads. Oz is one of my recent faves also. Sanae’s newest line coordinates with it really well.
I typically watch tv while sewing also. I never thought of re-watching things though. Because you’re right. I either end up sewing and missing the show or end up watching and not sewing. Thanks for the idea! I have a few seasons of Charmed, Angel, Arrested Development and all of Buffy tVS that I can work my way though.
[…] entering! Your comments made my week (some of you even commented on the topic of my last post about TV & Sewing and gave me some ideas, thank you!) and I’ve really enjoyed reading them. And Sammy and Loki […]
We put on You’ve Got Mail, Phantom of the Opera, When Harry Met Sally, etc.
Love your notebooks! Just returned from a bookbinding class/book arts and these look prefect! Thanks!
I watch anything I’ve already seen. CSI is good. Have you tried Covert Affairs? Don’t know if it’s on DVD yet. I use my DVR a lot. Any Stargate is good (I know you’ve seen them, but you’re right–they rock). I like movies–Men In Black, Emperor’s New Groove, The Preacher’s wife. I also like really loud music. Les Miserables, Phantom, whatever I’m in the mood for. Loud and fast is good.
I really like books on tape. Well, mp3, but it’s all the same. You can check them out from the library. They’re great to put in and listen to while you’re working.
Love the tutorials!!
Oh my goodness! i watch Stargate while sewing too!!! I have the whole series so I just pop them in & go through the wholes series. I’ve done that about 3 times now :)
Love your bags & all the dog stuff. You are inspiring me to get some of my own done!
Aww, thanks! Stargate never really gets old :) I’ve been re-watching Sanctuary lately (after that epic season 4, I had to) so if you haven’t seen that show, I highly recommend it! If you like Stargate, you’ll love it. It starts off slow but by the end of Season 1 you’ll just want more more more! :D