Hi everyone! I am sure I am not the only one trying to write with a 4-year-old hanging off the back of my chair and obnoxious cartoons playing in the background? In fact, you may be reading this in the same situation! But somehow I have found simple sewing to be easier than stringing together coherent sentences right now. And that’s what I have for you with this new pattern – simple sewing! Introducing the Card, Cash & Coin Combo.
I had to take some time off to let my hands heal after carpal tunnel surgery last year. It was supposed to be a 2-3 days of recovery that turned into 6+ months of increased pain. Hard to be creative when all of your focus is elsewhere, ya know? (OF COURSE YOU DO if you live on this planet right now.) So I wanted to jump back in with a simple project – for me and for all of you. After all three of us being knocked down by a non-pandemic-related virus for over a month (adenovirus is my nemesis!) it would only make sense that I finally have this ready for you in the middle of a global crisis, right?

There are just a couple features to share! The inside of the wallet has three card slots, and the third pocket is also deep enough to hold folded cash. There are no raw edges and no hand sewing as the wallet is turned through an opening in the lining of the pocket. You can choose from a hidden magnetic snap, a KAM snap, or elastic for the closure. The matching zippered coin pouch is the same size and meant to hang on a keychain with the wallet, facing the opposite direction. The zippered pouch also has no raw edges.

As usual I must thank my testers, who jumped straight into this even with chaos surrounding us. The wallet and coin pouch instructions were intertwined at first and it was confusing, so they (nicely) insisted that I re-structure it. The end result is a lot clearer and I truly appreciate their honesty!
Margareth from @maggiemadebags made this adorable set with lobster clasps instead of key rings. I love that you can use whatever hardware you have on hand!

Cara from Early Bird Stitches made three wallets to try out each closure. So cute!

I’m not sure what’s up next. I have a dozen prototypes here ready to be written, and if I write them then I know they are there for you when things get back to normal and you eventually leave the house again and need a bag. But we are also all stuck at home, so I’m considering working on some smaller practical items, even if it’s just for fun. And I will definitely consider hardware choices (which I usually do anyway) as a lot of suppliers have stopped shipping at the moment. I’ve been asked for mask patterns, but I truly think the entire internet has that covered and I don’t have any healthcare expertise to add. I will hold off on a decision until I try sewing some and see how it goes.
As always THANK YOU and HAPPY SEWING (for real… do it if it makes you happy!) I’m thankful we have a hobby that we can do inside, so (except for our anxiety and kids and spouses in our way) we should be good to carry on during social distancing! Please, everyone try to stay healthy. I’m sending love to you ALL! – Erin
This looks awesome. I don’t like carrying a bulky wallet so this looks great!
Hi. Just found this page on your site and I would like to make some of these. Sorry but I was unable to find any instructions. Do you have any that I could download?
Sorry about your surgery. Jan
Did anyone answer you? If not, you need to go to the first paragraph at the top and the colored words you see is where you click on it and it takes you to where you can buy the pattern. (See below……)
Posted on April 4, 2020 by Erin Erickson | 2 Comments
Hi everyone! I am sure I am not the only one trying to write with a 4-year-old hanging off the back of my chair and obnoxious cartoons playing in the background? In fact, you may be reading this in the same situation! But somehow I have found simple sewing to be easier than stringing together coherent sentences right now. And that’s what I have for you with this new pattern – simple sewing! Introducing the Card, Cash & Coin Combo.