Baby? That’s right! Erin is Pregnant!
So, unless you’re on the Facebook group, you may have missed one or two small things.
- Erin moved to Australia
- Quarantine nearly killed Sammy and Loki
- Quarantine’s actions nearly killed Erin
- Sammy and Loki got over quarantine
- We were all happy
- Sammy and Loki met Bob’s family
- Loki nearly died and spent a night in hospital
- Loki shocked the vet by miraculously recovering
- We got married
- Erin is pregnant
- Loki got healthier than he has ever been in his life, since he met Bob
- Erin moved house in Australia (as did Bob)
- Dogs got their first fenced yard
- Erin finally has permission to work in Australia
- Bob’s baby won’t let Erin leave the bathroom
- Bob is still Awesome
So for those who have been waiting for the next pattern, or an email reply, or anything, Erin is 17 weeks pregnant and has had a pretty rough run of it. She can barely stay awake or eat and only gets about 4 hours a day where she doesn’t feel like she is growing a person.
Oh, I’m sorry, did I not give enough details? Let me fix that…
Bob went to America and dragged Erin, Sammy and Loki back with him. This included a visit to LA, where Bob insisted on trying In-n-Out Burger. We had breakfast on Manhattan Beach, looking out over the ocean which we’d be flying over that day. We (Erin) had an emotional farewell with the dogs as she wouldn’t be seeing them for 12 days once they were loaded onto the plane. After the smoothest flight in the history of the world, we landed in Sydney, and awaited news on the dogs. We were told they weren’t eating the poor quality food that they were given, so we went along to give them good food. We were allowed one visit during their stay, and found that they weren’t being given the food that we brought, they were covered in their own poop, and massively underweight. After being called liars and a few angry emails, phone calls, and pulling a few strings, Bob was able to break them out early. A few hours early, but it counted.
This is where we left you at the last blog post.
Bob was driving a loaner car as he had a crash the week before he came to the US. When his car was fixed, We all went to Lithgow to collect it, and took the opportunity to introduce Sammy and Loki to Bob’s Mum, Grandma and Grandpa. This car had no air conditioning, so Loki got overheated, and panted all day. We tried to cool him down, but now he was struggling to breathe. After a few hours at home again where we tried to calm him down, we took him to the vet ER where we were told he wouldn’t make the night unless very expensive surgery was performed, or they could just put him down. Bob insisted that the doctor just sedate Loki and give him oxygen and steroids. The Doctor thought he was right, but followed Bob’s instructions. They allowed us out back to see Loki, where their impressions were that this would be the last time we see him. 8 hours later we went back, and he was awake, and happy! The Doctor was shocked and admitted he may have overreacted. Since then, Loki has been cuddly, happy, and just the best dog ever. Sammy of course took the opportunity whilst Loki was away to claim all the spots in the house as hers.

We were having some problems in the building… Alright, fine, I’ll talk about the wedding :)
On April 1st, a date of Bob’s choosing, because he’s Bob, Erin and Bob tied the knot at a small ceremony in Sydney. Only a few guests, with family and friends, followed by lunch at Darling Harbour. The day included, again because Bob, a trip on a Bus, Train, Tram, and Ferry. It was a beautiful little ceremony, where Erin’s parents attended via Facetime. The celebrant asked Erin if she would be Bob’s wife, and she said yes. He asked Bob if he’d be Erin’s husband. He said sure. The celebrant was very laid back and was clearly just as unimpressed with the ‘procedure’ dictated to him by his superiors as we were, including the CD of ‘romantic music’ which was promptly turned off. We had a very simple dress code, as Erin was sick, where all were told jeans were acceptable, so we wore jeans! Who says you and your guests shouldn’t be comfortable on your wedding day. We almost even wore geeky t-shirts, but thought we should wear some nice top at least. Lunch was at the Hard Rock in Darling Harbour. Some of the best table service we’d ever experienced, with the best wedding food you could ask for: anything on the menu! They even gave Erin and Bob their meals for free, as their gift to us. Various deserts from the shopping centre and many silly photos on the water later, we all headed home, where the dogs were waiting to congratulate us. (More wedding pics on Instagram: Bob’s and Erin’s.)

She couldn’t wait to tell Bob, so she surprised him at work, and broke the news to him on his train. Both were happy, But Bob’s first reaction was to make a joke, a very valid joke about how she had wasted all that money on bringing over her superior American tampons. We both thought that we were the luckiest people on Earth. But then, just a few days later, Erin started to get sick. Not morning sickness yet, but cramps and heavy bleeding and flat out exhaustion and dizziness. Erin went to the ER in Sydney, where she had the worst hospital experience ever. She begged for an ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy wasn’t ectopic, but was told they don’t do that in the middle of the night, but then insisted she had lost the baby. An ultrasound was scheduled for the next morning, after a night of pure sadness, to see how much stuff she needed to pass, when a big grin appeared on Bob’s face. It took Erin a bit to notice, but there was a heartbeat! The ER doctor has misdiagnosed her. The baby was fine! A few more difficult weeks passed, but the bleeding eventually stopped, and the baby is perfectly healthy! And since Erin spent the month before the wedding curled up while zoned out to Netflix and trying to not puke or make the bleeding worse, she couldn’t possibly walk around long enough to pick out a dress, and didn’t want to wear a fancy dress while feeling awful. The family happily agreed to her request for jeans, and she sent Bob to get her new teal converse instead. She even made an Outta Time Tote to match her shoes!
Erin is 17 weeks along now, and the Zombie Baby is as healthy as we could hope for but Erin is still really sick. She is over the moon that she is having a baby, but the experience of growing a human inside of you is not a pleasant one, as TV and movies would have you believe. Everyone says week 12 is the magic week you feel better, but it seems any easing of the digestive symptoms is replaced by exhaustion and dizziness. Erin also can’t breathe without her allergy and sinus meds, but she can’t take them while pregnant, causing some nasty sinus headaches (also not helped by the lack of good pain killers while pregnant!) The nausea has eased up a bit but was replaced with nasty reflux and every other digestive issue imaginable. Week 17 seems to be the week (according to google) that the hormones that cause the queasy stop increasing, and she’s finally hungry, but nothing sounds appetizing except food from America that doesn’t exist here. When she gives in and eats something else because she’s so hungry, the queasiness and heartburn kick right in. While she’s lost weight, she can’t wear anything tight, so her uniform will be track pants and Bob’s shirts until maternity clothes fit properly!
The belly finally showed up a few days ago, so hacking the top off a pair of jeans was necessary. Thankfully the new sewing room is set up enough to create denim-yoga hybrids!
Thanks to Erin’s mum and our friend Kelli for sending cereal, crackers, grape jam, and other things we can’t find! This stuff has been keeping Erin alive since her body is rejecting most of the food here.
So while Erin was parked on the sofa for a month, we’d been having some serious problems with the building management in the apartment building. Smokers blowing their smoke into our flat every 30 minutes all day and night, when fresh air was the only thing keeping Erin from puking. Building managers who don’t speak English. Building managers who refused to uphold the strata rules. A lift that kept breaking down (and we were on the 9th floor), and a property manager that made us wait 5 weeks for new carpet in the bedroom after a water leak and who refused to install fly screens even after Sammy had a bald spot from scratching mosquito bites!
Erin and Bob made the decision to move, and quite luckily found a beautiful town house, just across the river, twice the size with a bigger kitchen, bigger bedrooms, a bigger sewing room, a bigger garage, and a more secure neighborhood. We’ve named it Fort Ermington, as it’s in Ermington and a Defense Housing Estate. We’re still unpacking, but should be done in a day or two (HA!). The dogs love it as well. They have not only a backyard that’s fenced in for them to play, but a front yard where they can play and pee on everything too! The neighbours have a dog that looks similar to Loki, and they have met. Loki and Fergus are both just as scared of each other! Loki of course shows his fear of the scary dog by digging under the fence to go and bark in fear at Fergus in his yard. A trip to Bunnings later, and we return with some flower pots and some flowers to cover the hole. And oh yes, the flowers are gorgeous.

Most of Erin’s visa application has been done, with just some minor details to be added and files uploaded, but she is now here on a bridging visa so she can work as soon as she feels better. Which means she can finally start prototyping and getting ready for the next pattern. Comment with what you want to see next! She wants to work on a messenger bag and bigger wallet!
We’re sorry we’ve been away from the blog for so long but hope that now you understand why. If there’s a delay in anything, including responding to your emails, please know that all your emails will be answered as always, it’s just that Erin is still not 100%. But she is in my eyes :)
A massive thank you to the “groupies” for surprising Erin with a gift that made it possible to buy a little sewing machine, and the Oliso iron that she needs for her wrists and had to leave behind because of the power differences!
Even though we have been relatively inactive, we have gained many new customers and followers on Facebook and Instagram thanks to all of you sharing the bags you have been making! They all look amazing! Thank you for being so patient while we’ve been on hiatus. The Facebook page just hit 4000 likes so watch the next post for a sale!!
We’ll be back soon with a lot more sewing related updates!
From the Fingertips of Bob – Deliberately written in third person, because it’s what I do.
Proofread and factual errors replaced by Erin.
You Should Be Sewing!
P.S from Erin: Proof I’m alive and left the house a few times (barely!) Bob’s sci-fi conventions the past few months were Star Trek and Creatures of the Night (MTV’s Teen Wolf.) I got to play with a Bat’leth at the Star Trek con (6? weeks) and the adorable Eaddy Mays decided the baby is going to be her newest fan and needed a photo with my non-existent bump at CotN (16 weeks). I also found an awesome weekend farmers market with my friend Anita and I made it to Vivid. :) I’m finally staying awake for more than a few hours at a time so there will be a lot more going on around here now!

What a fantastic update. I’m so happy for you both, and I look forward to hearing all about your exciting baby adventures and of course any fabulous new patterns. The pups look so happy in their new home. Have fun and take care. Katrina
Wow! What an adventure you guys have had so far. I’m so glad that good things are finally coming your way and so happy for you both with a new baby coming. Being pregnant is different for all, but I know I didn’t love the “being pregnant” part. You definitely don’t feel yourself for a while! It’s SO worth it in the end, though, and I’d do it all over again to have my precious cargo (teenagers now)! Can’t wait to hear more about the baby and looking forward to more patterns when Erin is feeling better! Take care!!!
Bob, fabulous update! I’ve been watching Erin’s Instagram on the website, but a thorough update is appreciated. Things seem to finally be shaking out for you now. God bless you and yours. Can’t wait to see what Erin’s dreamed up now that she can work again. (If I get a vote, I’d love to see a messenger bag pattern.)
Thanks so very much for the update! Wow, what a fiasco you guys have been through (all 4 or 5 :) )
Glad things are turning around and hopefully Erin will be feeling much better soon. Look forward to more news :)
Messenger bag and new wallet would be great! I need to make both :)
I’m so happy to hear things are progressing so well! Thanks for all the pics! We’ve missed you, but also understand everything you’ve all been going through. I’ll keep the crackers and cereal coming! Tell Sammy her “stinky chewy” treats will be in the next box!
Congratulations on the baby. That’s wonderful news. However, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had such a trying time and glad that things are looking up now. I have missed your updates so I’m looking forward to hearing more.
My daughter is pregnant and due mid October so quite similar to your dates, I think. I’m hoping you will design some brilliant baby bag.
I thought of the diaper bag after I posted above. You’ll be glad of all the samples you make, Erin! ;)
Thanks so much for the update! It was good to get so many details (and I burst out LOLing at the tampon bit!), but I’m sure sorry things have been so rough for you. It’s gotta get better from here, right?!
Glad you’re able to get back to the drawing board and sewing machine, Erin, even if it’s only short minutes at a time. I like both the messenger bag and bigger wallet ideas!
Take care, you two… er three(five?). Love to you all!
Wow, what an adventure! I’ll be heading to Australia from Chicago sometime in September. My nephew is getting married & they live in Orange. Let me know if you want me to bring anything. We had talked before about the dogs & quarantine, etc. as my son was moving to Australia. My son ended up moving back to Chicago so the dogs never left and judging by your story, just as well. One of his dogs would not have made it due to his stress issues. Glad everything worked out well for you.
Would love to see some pictures of Vivid Sydney if you have some. I’m thinking I need to make a trip home next year about this time just so I can see it. Looks fantastic!
Good luck. Cindy, an Aussie transplant in Chicago.
Wow, you guys have had quite the adventure! Glad you’re starting to feel better, Erin.
I love the idea of a pattern for a messenger bag, but no hurries – rest up and take care of yourself!
Congratulations! Y’all have had a lot on your plate, but glad to hear it’s all settling down. Bob, love your update! I got a few looks for laughing at my desk while reading it. :)
Best blog post ever! What a time you guys have had. I’m so happy to hear that things are better and baby Gilbey is gestating nicely!
Oh my goodness what a crazy time for you both. Glad to see its settling a bit and you are thinking about working, but don’t overdo.
A fabulous diaper bag with pockets for lots of stuff would be timely but I would love to do messenger bags for the boys so whichever feels right to you. I am sure eventually you would get to both!
Congratulations on the wee Zombie Baby!
By now you probably know about American Foods in Melbourne and on the net, also a Canadian Foods site. Although I have been in Aus for 40+ years I still need them for a few things including grape jelly!
In time you do get used to the smaller appliances etc. but Christmas in summer – NEVER.
Good luck.
Wow! I loved your update and totally see why it’s been so quiet. What adventures you have shared with all of us! Congratulations on your marriage and the baby news is just so awesome! Your new place sounds perfect too. So nice to have room for the pups to play. I can really visualize all that you’ve been through – we moved to Cairo Egypt for my husbands job right after we got married in the 80’s. I couldn’t take much but my cocker spaniel and sewing machine I wouldn’t leave behind. I look back with such gratefulness for al the crazy experiences. I look forward to reading yours in the coming months and years. I’m a groupie you know! Sending love from California. Xoxo
great update, congrats on baby and new home!!
PS: find a new doctor and vet :)
So very excited for you both and hope you feel better soon. I’m sure you know to make sure they check your thyroid levels, you can need 50 percent more to have enough to share with the little one. I’ll be excited to see what you are creating soon. Best wishes and congratulations!
Bob, congratulations for the fab update. I have missed you both!!!! Now for the important person – Erin you must win the prize for the worst start to a happy new family life. Let’s hope most of that is behind you now and what is to come will give you joy.
Although I am so looking forward to your next pattern (I already have most of them) your heath is more important so take it easy, and let Bob spoil you rotten!!
You guys have certainly accomplished and been through a lot during this period that you have gone missing.
Things are going to look up from now on :)
I would like to see a zip messenger bag on the wishlist when you can get to it!
Oh congratulations to ALL of you – you’ve really been going through some stuff but it seems like you’ve landed on your feet. Was getting a might bit concerned since it was so quiet but I figured it took time to get “settled in”……and boy, were you all doing some major settling!! I’m happy to report that I HAVE Been Sewing and have brought in a sewing buddy to the DUMD fold – and she LOVES your stuff. Looking forward to ANYTHING new on your drawing board and again – congratulations and all the best to you guys!!!
Congrats on the baby and welcome to our beautiful country!
I recently made my first ever dog under my desk bad as a gift for a friend and was very sad to part with it! You definitely have a convert in me!
Hope you feel better soon xx
All of Erin’s bags turn out so nice that they’re hard to part with! LOL. I am learning to take pictures of my creations before I give them away:)
Wow! What a story. So many ups and downs! I’m so glad things are much better now and everyone in the family is happy. Congratulations to you all!
Oh I have missed you, and so appreciate you sharing your adventures. A thousand congratulations on your new baby! And Erin, so glad to hear you are taking all the time you need to rest.
So happy to read an update! Congrats on everything and so glad the dogs are now okay.
Oh my goodness, that was just the MOST delightful, nerdy, hilarious, silly, loving, entertaining post I have ever read in my life…. and I don’t even know ya’ll !! Erin’s blog is one of the very first I ever read as a newbie quilter and I will always follow. Best of luck to you both and congratulations on the baby and the marriage.
Congratulations to both of you on the wedding and the baby. I am so happy for you.
Yay! Congratulations on “Bub”!
I’ve been following on IG, and it’s nice to have more details. WOW, what an update!
Love the house, love the prototype. Maybe this means sometime you’ll have a diaper bag? ;-) I need one for a relative by September, so hop to it…just kidding! You’ll probably come up with one when you find out each one you can buy just doesn’t work for you!
I’m sure the pups love the new place – what great windows for them and yay – real grass!
What is Baby’s expected arrival date?!?!?
Listen to your body, Erin – sleep ALL the time if you can. If you have a second child, that sleep time is hard to come by when you have a little one around ;-). So use this first pregnancy to your benefit! You look great!
Well, I’m predisposed to adore your stuff because of name loyalty, but that being said, you really do make fabulous patterns. I’m just so happy for you both. As someone who sucks at pregnancy, but rocks at delivery, I feel your pain…morning sickness that lasted all day and nine months wasn’t ever fun…but truly, the present at the end of it all is well worth it! Congratulations on everything working out so well.
Congrats on the baby, the wedding, and the new flat! I hope all goes well, and will be praying for a safe delivery and Erin’s returned energy and health!
I love my DayTripper (it’s my everday purse), but its wearing out! (I”ve been using it for 1.5 years straight, so it’s understandable, and i”m hard on purses!)
The next purse will use the day tripper pattern, but I want to introduce a new element – I can’t wait to see if my idea works! (If it does, I’ll share!)
Can’t wait to see what you come up with next, we’ve loved everything you’ve shared with us thus far! (And I’ve bought three purse/tote patterns thus far!)
Wow Erin, My sister had the SAME experience at a local hospital with her first. she passed a FIST SIZE CLOT, and went to the ER, the doctor walks in, puts his hand on her shoulder and says “I’m sorry for your loss” without even examining her!!! At that point she was CONVINCED the baby was fine.. DEMANDED an ultrasound, and sure enough, baby was JUST FINE.. the tech was like “whaaa?” guess what, He’s a happy 2.5 year old now who just welcomed his baby sister into the world last week!!
(she had a bleeder in there that they just monitored throughout her pregnancy)