We made it! Normally I would say Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 6 weeks since I last posted… But this time, I can believe it! I’ve barely had the chance to sit down, then once I did have the chance, I didn’t have a desk, or a chair, or even a kitchen table. :) After a bit of IKEA shopping, and pretty awful quarantine experience, the dogs are once again under my desk!
Those of you who have been active in the Facebook group (500+ members!) will know that I have a new pattern coming out tomorrow! This one is a bit different, as I’ll explain in the next post! I wrote it for One Thimble Magazine and it’s called the Outta Time Tote, which is appropriate since I finished it while packing, at the absolute last possible second. You can read all about that HERE, if you want to skip the travel story. :)
Lets just start by saying that January was packing + vet visits every 3 days to prep the dogs + writing the OT Tote. THEN, a simple trip to the Apple store to learn how to extract my iMessage history so I could do a clean install of the new OS turned into catastrophic hard drive failure. So mid-way through editing the pattern I had to wait for my backup hard drive to come in the mail, and I still haven’t had time to make sure all my files are there or reinstall my programs because I’m down to just my 11″ MacBook Air. THEN, I had a buyer for my Bernina 750, since it’s just too big and heavy to ever come to Sydney and I have a 230 that’s much easier for my parents to store while I’m here, but the knob broke the afternoon before she was coming to look at it. A LOT of scrambling happened, which is why I completely disappeared for a while there, even from Instagram. Eventually the backup hard drive came and the Bernina was repaired and has a new life making charity quilts, and then Bob arrived just in time to shovel snow… on AUSTRALIA DAY! :)

See, they don’t want you to have contact with the dogs. They claim it’s so they don’t get anxious when you leave, but I have my own opinions as to why. We got an automated email saying they had arrived, 10 hours after we got off the plane on Thursday. It took us until Friday afternoon to get ahold of someone who could give us an actual update. Saturday morning we finally got permission to drop off better quality food than what was provided by them. We were allowed to book a grooming appointment for the following Thursday, but no contact or updates until then.

Knowing they would be released in less than 12 hours, we tried to enjoy the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular, which we’ve had tickets to FOREVER and I was really excited about. Bob is good at distracting me from the panic. It was an amazing show and I got to meet a lot of his fandom friends!

Puppy updates will continue over on Instagram!! And remember, you should be sewing… because I can’t! :P
Wow! What an adventure! I’m so glad your dogs are finally out of the nasty quarantine situation and recovering with you guys now. I hope they’re soon back to 100%. I wish you all the best in your new life! May it be much calmer from now on. :) God bless you all!
And now I’m outta here, because I should be…. SLEEPING!!! :)
I’m so glad to hear the puppies are ok! It’s sad that is was so traumatic, but it’s over now! I’m sorry everything is so crazy for you, I hope things settle down soon.
So glad the pups are settled in now and we’ll on their way to getting back to ‘themselves’. It can only get better from here can’t it? And I’m sure the pups will love the beach when you finally get them there :)
So pleased you finally have your babies home (but not the trauma they’ve been put through unnecessarily!)
If you two have survived all this, you’ll survive anything! Hopefully once your leaks are sorted, you’ll be able to start settling properly and get into a routine.
Love and best wishes to you all
Those poor babies … traumatic is an understatement! For you, too. It’s hard to be away from them. So glad you’re all together again and getting your new place set up. Soon this will all be just a distant memory.
Hi Erin! Wow, all that has been quite an experience. Your puppies are most cute! Looking for to see and hear more about them. x Teje
Hi Erin,
Poor Doggies! I would’ve been crying the whole time they were away. It’s great that they are both back to having their spoiling parents with them. I hope you get your life in order soon. No more back and forth so just enjoy yourselves!!!
Thanks for the great update! It filled in some details that weren’t on IG.
I’m hoping you and Bob can breathe a bit soon…and especially Loki!
It’s so cute how Sam has claimed Bob – dirty parts and all!
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! ;-)
Glad to hear the puppies are back with you both and they are slowly getting better!
I wish you all the best and lots of good vibes as you guys start your next big adventure! :-)
Oh your poor babies, I hope they have settled in and that the flat is finally getting in order.
So sorry to here what Sammy and Loki went through! It’s good they’re back with you. Is there any action you can take legally for animal abuse and neglect? You have proof, and this kind of nonsense should be illegal worldwide. Unthinkable that she lost 20% of her body weight! You have before trip vet records and post trip vet records and proof of required medications, medications they would not have needed if they’d been cared for properly. Can they at least help with the vet bills? I’m actually pretty upset for you and the poor fur babies.