Since the craft size package is about the size of a yard of fabric, I just had to make little mini comforters for the pups. My dogs always prefer to snuggle in a blanket, even if it’s on top of their dog bed (or MY bed!) and it’s nice to have little blankets that are easy to wash and don’t take up a lot of room to store. These would also be super quick kid gifts! They are great baby blankets for tummy time and the perfect size for toddlers to drag around. They are also a great stash buster. If you don’t have a two yard cut, just add an extra seam instead of the fold and use two complimentary one-yard pieces!
Two yards of 42-44” wide fabric (pre-washing recommended)
One Dream Puff craft size package (46”x36”) or get four from a twin size (93”x72”)
Quilting safety pins
Lots of matching or contrasting thread for quilting
Chalk if you want to mark quilting lines
Walking foot recommended
Time: One hour for a dog blanket, two hours for a gift. :)
Carefully square up the fabric and trim the raw edges.
Unfold the fabric and press out any creases.
Re-fold the fabric with right sides together, matching the raw and selvedge edges.
You do not need to trim the selvedge edges, but you should sew with *at least* a 5/8” seam allowance to make sure there is no selvedge showing on the right side of the fabric. Use a wider seam allowance if your fabric appears to have a wider selvedge.
Sew around the selvedge edges and around to the side with the raw edge, but leave an opening of about 24” in the middle. Backstitch at the beginning and end. Do not sew on the side with the fold.
Unfold the Dream Puff and smooth it out on top of the fabric. It should stick really well. Trim it to size, just inside the stitching line and just inside the fold.
Pull the batting away. Trim the corners and turn the fabric right side out. Press the edges and corners. Turn the opening toward the inside and press that as well.
Carefully insert the batting. Stick your hands inside and smooth out the batting and the top and bottom fabric. By doing it this way and not sewing it into the seams, you can take it out and trim it in case you can’t get it to lay completely smooth.
Pin the layers especially at the corners and edges.
Edgestitch the opening, making sure you catch both layers of fabric.
Quilt with lines no more than 10” apart.
A walking foot would be great for this! I have dual feed so I reduced my presser foot tension. Use a longer stitch length.
Remove the pins. Tie off and clip all of your threads.
Finished size approximately 35” x 42”. (Sammy is 6 pounds.)
This works great with all different kinds of fabrics! Use whatever you have.
There was a whole lot more product testing than modeling going on here. Sam can’t resist fluffy. Loki will pose for me but he really just wanted to snuggle.

Check back for a giveaway of Dream Puff from Quilters Dream!
So that’s what the photos on Pinterest were! I wondered if you had made a new tutorial or were just taking photos of the pups! I just may make the same thing for me with the purple chevron! I don’t have any doggies. :-(
The photos of Sammy on the stacks are priceless!!!
The purple chevron is flannel from JoAnn and it’s so soft! I just got it so there should be some. I found it in teal and black as well. If you get 3 yards and a crib size batting you can get a 42″x53″-ish blanket, which is pretty good!
Thanks :) Sam loves piles of pillows and blankets. If there is a pile, she is on top every time.
What is it about Yorkies and blankets? I keep several fleece blankets on the couch during the winter, and my Hannah, who will be 13 in April, loves to burrow down into them so that she is completely hidden. It is funny—it seems that the pile of blankets is snoring with no one there. I have some flannel—I should try this tutorial. She is crazy in the car, so I put her in a crate on Sundays when we go to my parents’. These would be perfect for that.
They are PERFECT car size blankets. She would probably love the flannel. When i gave them the choice of all five of these, they both picked the flannel. :)
And yes Yorkies can spot a blanket from 3 rooms away. It’s hilarious.
Want to make a Mini Comforter for your kids or the furry friends in your life?
Head over to Quilters Dream Batting Blog, post a comment telling us about your pets snuggle habits.
Do they sleep on the floor? Have their own bed . . . steal your bed?
Let us know.
This Friday Dec. 6th we will select one random comment to receive a FREE Puff Twin from Quilters Dream!
– The Dream Team
I made one today out of two flannel fats. My Chis love it! Can’t wait to make a couple more!